With the improvement of Chinese consumption, China’s pet economy has grown unprecedentedly in the past two years. In addition to the increase in the number of pet owners, pet owners are also starting to consume more non-essential pet goods, such as pet clothing, pet toys and pet supplies.

The Engel coefficient of Chinese pets fell to 39% from 47% last year, according to data released by Chinese e-commerce giant Taobao on December 10. Engel coefficient, usually refers to a person’s expenditure on food as a percentage of a person’s total expenditure, it reflects a person’s standard of living. In this report, it refers to the same pet owner’s expenditure on pet food as a percentage of all pet goods consumption.

The trend is even more pronounced among younger pet owners, who spend 2.1 times more on their pets than those born in 1990-1995.

According to another QuestMobile statistical report, the number of followers of pet accounts on major social networks in China has reached 530 million after being deduplicated. Among them, the proportion of men exceeding women reached 54.8%. The proportion of people under the age of 30 accounted for more than 54.2%, and the proportion of users in third -, fourth-and fifth-tier cities accounted for more than 60%.

People who keep pets or are interested in pets are above average in terms of spending power and willingness to spend.

The popularity of different kinds of cats and dogs in China

According to the same report, the favorite breeds of dogs in China are Golden Retriever, poodle, Labrador, Alaskan sled dog and husky. The favorite cat breeds in China are British Shorthaire, Scottish folded-ear cat, American short-haired cat, Ragdoll and Bengal cat.

It is worth noting that this is based on the number of fans of influential animal accounts on social networks. This does not mean that Chinese people like to keep these kinds of pets best. In fact, large dogs such as huskies and Alaskan sled dogs are banned in many Chinese cities. That’s why they get more followers online.

Besides cats and dogs, China’s favorite pets seem to be rodents, birds and fish. Rodents have been very popular in the past two years because both chinchillas and squirrels have relaxing fur. But most people will think that keeping rodent pets is cumbersome, so they are more likely to appreciate other people’s furry pets on social networks.

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