Category: Culture

  • Lu Xun’s Modest Lifestyle

    Lu Xun’s Modest Lifestyle

    Lu Xun, one of China’s greatest literary figures, lived a modest and unassuming life, often obscured due to differing political views. He was committed to his writings, showcased socialistic aspirations, and shunned extravagant living habits. Meticulous exploration into his lifestyle reveals understanding about his clothing preferences, food habits, and social experiences. Lu Xun’s simple living…

  • Momo Army(momo大军) and the Impending Real-Name Registration: A Dive into China’s Cyberspace Evolution

    Momo Army(momo大军) and the Impending Real-Name Registration: A Dive into China’s Cyberspace Evolution

    China’s internet culture, marked by the “momo” phenomenon, presents a striking contrast to the impending real-name registration policy. The “momo”, a pink dinosaur avatar used across various platforms, symbolizes digital freedom and privacy. Meanwhile, the real-name registration policy, aimed at accountability and curbing misinformation, threatens to disrupt the culture of anonymity cherished by many internet…

  • Jiang Ge Case Revisited: From a Mother’s Live Streaming Endeavor to a Heart-Wrenching Legal Battle

    Jiang Ge Case Revisited: From a Mother’s Live Streaming Endeavor to a Heart-Wrenching Legal Battle

    Jiang Qiulian, mother of Jiang Ge, who tragically died protecting her roommate in Japan, ventured into live streaming sales. Ranging from household items to snacks, Qiulian’s first stream garnered up to 15 million views, moving items totaling 2.5 million RMB. This venture not just sparked a resurgence of discussions around Jiang Ge’s case, but also…

  • Understanding China’s Bridal Gift(Cai Li) Culture: A Window into Tradition and Modern Controversy

    Understanding China’s Bridal Gift(Cai Li) Culture: A Window into Tradition and Modern Controversy

    Cai Li, or bridal gifts, is an ancient Chinese tradition where the groom’s family offers money or gifts to the bride’s family as a gesture for their daughter’s hand in marriage. Historically, Cai Li has reinforced social norms, family honor, and the groom’s commitment to his future family. In modern times, while its practice varies…

  • Why Young People in China Aren’t Buying Houses: A Look Beyond Macro-Economics

    Why Young People in China Aren’t Buying Houses: A Look Beyond Macro-Economics

    Homeownership among young individuals in China is decreasing due to shifts in wealth perception, social psychological changes, and microeconomic factors. Unlike past generations who associated stability with owning a home, contemporary youth prioritize quality of life, opting to rent instead. Influenced by cultural concepts like “over-competition” and “lying flat”, young Chinese individuals now value personal…

  • The Grand Return of Li Ziqi: Triumph over Turbulence

    The Grand Return of Li Ziqi: Triumph over Turbulence

    In the hustle and bustle of modern-day life, finding tranquility and simplicity is like stumbling upon a rare gem. That gem for many, including myself, has been the soothing world encapsulated in the vlogs of Li Ziqi, a prominent Chinese internet personality. Through her lens, she graciously invites us into her serene countryside existence, where…

  • Understanding the No-Tipping Culture in China

    Understanding the No-Tipping Culture in China

    In China, tipping isn’t widespread as it is taken as a potential disruption to social harmony. Rooted in Confucian values, the Chinese see tipping as creating inequality. The idea of ‘face’ (reputation) is also a factor, with tipping potentially implying a lower social status. Chinese service workers typically earn a fixed monthly salary that isn’t…

  • 5 Famous Beijing Urban Legends

    5 Famous Beijing Urban Legends

    Beijing is the capital of China and has been the capital of five dynasties, with a very long history and cultural heritage. As a result, the urban legends of Beijing have a unique flavor compared to the urban legends of other regions in China. As the times evolved, new urban legends were born into the…

  • Joss Paper and its derivative culture

    Joss Paper and its derivative culture

    In recent years joss paper has become one of the popular cultural products in various countries, but many people are unaware of its true purpose. The University of Toronto caused quite a stir among the international student community this year during Chinese New Year because of the erroneous use of joss paper. In this article,…

  • The Top 10 Chinese films selected by the Chinese in 2021

    The Top 10 Chinese films selected by the Chinese in 2021

    In 2021, the global box office reached RMB 137.6 billion, recovering to 51% of its pre-epidemic level. Among them, China ranked first in the world with a box office of RMB 45.67 billion, accounting for 33% of the global box office. Three of the top ten global box office films of the year are Chinese…