Tag: food culture

  • The Rise of Prefabricated Cuisine in China: A Culinary Revolution

    The Rise of Prefabricated Cuisine in China: A Culinary Revolution



    The prefabricated food market in China has witnessed significant growth, driven by modernization and changing consumer lifestyles. Prefabricated meals offer convenience and cater to the fast-paced lives of urban populations. However, concerns about health implications and the preservation of traditional cooking methods have emerged. The industry faces challenges but also opportunities for growth, technological advancements,…

  • Convenience Meets Tradition: Unraveling the Phenomenon of Ready-Made Meals in China

    Convenience Meets Tradition: Unraveling the Phenomenon of Ready-Made Meals in China



    The popularity of ready-made meals in China reflects changes in lifestyle dynamics favoring convenience and efficiency. This market has grown to a size of 419.6 billion yuan in 2022, a trend fueled by urbanization, dual-income families, and middle-class growth. Despite controversies regarding school meals and public perception, ready-made meals offer a potential platform for standardizing…