Recently, the Chinese oat brand, founded in 2013, began selling bubbly oatmeal in its official online store. This cereal comes in two flavors, bubbly sweet orange, and sparkling white peach.
According to officials, the two kinds of cereal use wheat, rye, rice, oats, and corn as a mixed base, are non-fried and do not contain trans fatty acids.
In addition to the cereal itself, but also added freeze-dried yogurt, freeze-dried strawberry slices, apple slices, dried cranberries, and other ingredients. What’s more, it includes fizzy flakes that turn the entire bowl of oats into sparkling water.
Because of the popularity of Genki Forest, bubble water is rapidly becoming popular among middle-class consumers in China. This trend is also starting to affect other categories of products, such as Lay’s (brand) introduction of sparkling potato chips in March, a special process that makes them taste like flavored soda. Similarly, the Chinese nut brand Three Squirrels have launched bubble melon seeds.

Although the combination of sparkling water and oats may seem strange, it is an inevitable combination in some ways. Because the target population of oats in China is not the public, but the young middle-class consumers who pursue a Western-style lifestyle. And this part of the consumer is also the main consumer group of bubble water.
The fact that China has a smaller market for cereal due to the hundreds of traditional breakfasts available in the country. China did not have its own brand of cereal until much later.
OCAK is an early Chinese cereal brand and occupies the sixth position in China’s cereal market. Cereal brands with more market share than Ocak come from overseas. Wang Bao Bao, founded in 2016, is its main competitor, but the latter does not sell overseas.