According to a report by the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention on November 24, 2020, as of October 31, 2020, there were 34,289 AIDS patients in Beijing. From January to October 2020, there were 1,408 new cases of AIDS. Among them, 97.3% were infected by sex, 0.07% by injecting drugs, and 2.63% by other causes. 

It is worth noting that the figure of 1,408 decreased by 47.2% compared with the same period last year. Although this number has been on a downward trend over the past five years, it has never fallen so significantly. (For reference, the figure was 7.1% last year.) An official announcement said this was due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic. 

How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect the spread of HIV? The answer seems simple: Sex, especially between non-couples, has decreased. 

As you can see from the report, it is actually unsafe sex that causes the vast majority of HIV infections. But the COVID-19 pandemic has reduced the number of unsafe sex. 

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic (January to March), China’s major cities, including Beijing, implemented strict quarantine policies, which significantly reduced people’s social activities. 

At the end of the pandemic, quarantine was lifted and people began to get together again, go shopping and watch movies. But sex is another matter. 

Especially for those who are married or in a relationship, COVID-19 is like a nuclear deterrent to a relationship. Once you are infected with COVID-19, you have to report your one-night stand to the CDC and your family, because your lover also needs to be medically quarantined.

At this point, you are not only faced with the disease itself, but also mean that you cannot explain to your partner exactly how you contracted COVID-19. In fact, such cases have occurred in both South Korea and the UK. 

The patient who was infected by cheating in South Korea spread widely on Chinese social networks as a news event. Almost everyone is aware of what it means to cheat when the COVID-19 epidemic is not completely over. 

As a result, COVID-19 not only reduces unnecessary one-night stands, but also prevents immoral sexual relationships. 

In China, when people are unfaithful, it may not only lead to divorce, but also lead to unemployment. This makes people more cautious in the pursuit of true love this year.

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