Last year, a subsidiary of Chinese search engine giant Baidu launched a cloud storage service for overseas individual users.

Its name is the overseas version of Dubox, which is called Baidu online disk. It provides free storage space for 1024GB and has very high upload and download speeds.

We have reported: Baidu launches overseas 1TB free Cloud Storage Dubox, but you have to be careful when using it

Recently, DuBox announced that they will officially change their name to TeraBox. The name is said to refer to more than 7000 suggestions around the world. The new name can better reflect the characteristics of the service that provides large storage space.

TeraBox is still free so far, which is significantly different from the pricing of similar services offered by Baidu on Chinese mainland. As a result, the name change has once again aroused consumer dissatisfaction in China’s local market.

The service blocked access from Chinese mainland from the very beginning of Dubox’s launch. Because Chinese mainland’s Baidu online disk was commercialized many years ago, users have to pay to lift the download speed limit.

It is also worth noting that DuBox does not seem to notice that their new name “TeraBox” has the same name as a cloud service company founded in Vietnam in 2017.

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One response to “Baidu’s cloud storage service DuBox changed its name to TeraBox”

  1. […] Dubox was renamed TeraBox, on April 9, 2021, but most of the information in this article is still […]

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